
Listen to life changing Bible preaching

The Supreme Relationship

September 25, 2016
Are you busy serving Jesus every day? Evangelist John Van Gelderen encourages us to reassess ourselves and make sure we are taking time to meet our own spiritual needs and…

Back to The Basics

September 25, 2016
God can use you to share the love of Jesus with those around you. Have you fully surrendered yourself to His service? Maybe you haven't trusted in Jesus as your…

God is On the Move

September 25, 2016
God's Spirit is moving across the world. He is changing lives every day, and the rest of the world is noticing. Are you being available for God's use to change…
Our life is but a vapor. Are we making it count? Evangelist John Van Gelderen challenges us to be passionate for Jesus. He is our power source!
Our spirits are always feeding on something. Are you feeding on the true bread from heaven? Or is your spirit eating from a different table?
Evangelist John Van Gelderen encourages us to have a resolve that you'll have a will surrendered to God's will, and that God will fulfill what He says He will do.
Evangelist John Van Gelderen challenges us to deny our self-will, take up our cross, and follow God at all costs.

Three Things the Lord Requires

September 18, 2016
Pastor Paul encourages us to delight in extending kindness to the undeserving. Will you follow God's steps and enjoy the fellowship as you actively follow in these three things the…
God Wants us as believers to not only care about our brothers and sisters in Christ, but to reach out to the strangers also, those who walk through life and…
God wants you serving in your local church. Pastor Paul Dyck encourages us to have a willing heart, ready to serve in any way we are able.
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